Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Mobile Phone(Technology Or Dieases)

Mobile Phone is the best way to communicate. We can stay in touch with our loved ones anywhere, anytime, just because of mobile phones. All thanks to their small size, lightweight, that make them portable.Mobile phones are quite useful in studies and business. In both fields, the mobile phone has become like compulsory gadget. Students can access Internet on their mobile phones while on the go, and thus can get knowledge of any topic they wish to. The business persons can keep updated with the markets up and downs, can stay in touch with their employees and clients.ust consider any emergency situation in which you want to talk to your friend, relative or anyone else? Mobile Phone is what works as boon in such situations. You might have faced any emergency situation in which mobile phone helped you, have you? Whether you have faced it or not, it’s quite easy to understand the role of mobile phones in emergencies.

The students are just addicted to mobile phones. They can be seen playing games, chatting, and talking to their friends on their mobile phones most of the times. This is the reason why they don’t get time for studies. In fact, students are more interested in wasting their time on mobile phones, rather than spending it on studying.
Accident and Health Issues
Most of the accidents that happen daily arise because of mobile phones. The mobile phones have resulted in dangerous driving, whose direct impact can be seen in increasing no. of accidents. Apart from accidents, mobile phones have bad impact on health as well. Several researches conducted by the health experts have proved the bad impact of mobile phones on health. There is alot more on the mobile phone harmful effect on the human body or mind which includes:

1) A study on mice offspring suggested that cell phone use during pregnancy may cause behavioural problems that resemble the effects of ADHD
2) A number of studies have shown relationships between mobile telephone use and reduced sperm count and sperm quality. Peer reviewed studies have shown relationships using statistical questionnaire techniques, controlled experiments on living humans, and controlled experiments on sperm outside the body.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has a web page entitled "Cell Phone Radiation Damages Sperm, Studies Show" published August 2013. The EWG page reviews and tabulates studies showing relationships between mobile phone use and low sperm count and sperm quality,
3) A team led by Dr. Nora Volkow, head of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, used advanced imaging technology to monitor glucose consumed in the brain. They found that even weak cell phone radiation alters brain activity near cell phone antenna. Environmental Working Group now recommends cell phone users limit their exposure to cell phone radiation by for example looking for cell phone models that emitts low radiation.

                             France has banned all mobile phone advertising aimed at under-12s, while legislation is being introduced to make it compulsory to sell all phones with earphones. Canada and Russia have also advised caution and the Israeli government is considering printing health warnings on phones, as on cigarette packets. Meanwhile, several countries are implementing or considering a total ban of Wi-Fi in schools.
“People say there’s no plausible biological hypothesis for how electromagnetic radiation can damage cells – well speak for yourself,” says Prof Henshaw, who is an adviser to Mobilewise, a group that issues safety guidance to children. “Research is moving so fast, I receive five to 10 papers a day on the effects of radiofrequency. We don’t know everything.” Prof Henshaw does not agree that primary DNA damage is needed to cause cancer. He cites research into magnetite crystals, that are found in the human brain. Electromagnetic radiation is shown to physically vibrate these particles and there’s speculation this could make cells think they’re under attack.
“They’ll find it stressful and this could affect the mechanism and we know that some cancers are caused by mechanics,” he says. 

Although mobile phone is life companion for most people but for teens and small kids it can be harmful or can be drug, they can addicted to it and will forgot all the possible life relations needed at that time.